Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa has been recreated in Australia - out of 3,604 cups of coffee and 564 pints of milk.
The different colours were created by adding no, little or lots of
milk to each cup of black coffee, reports the Daily Telegraph.
It took a team of eight people three hours to complete the 20ft by 13ft artwork for The Rocks Aroma Festival in Sydney.
Elaine Kelly, from the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority which
organised the one-day coffee-lovers event, was delighted with the
She said: "Each coffee cup was filled with varying amounts of milk to create the different sepia shades of the painting.
"We wanted to create an element of surprise and a sense of fun in the way we engaged with the public.
"Once we had the idea of creating an image out of coffee cups we
searched for something iconic to reproduce - and opted for the most
iconic painting in history.
"The Mona Lisa has been reproduced so many times in so many different
mediums but, as far as we know, never out of coffee. The result was