
2012年9月5日 星期三


"Official Retraining Scheme" Conceptual Art Exhibition

an art exhibit responding to the National Education curriculum

@ C&G藝術單位/C&G Artpartment

Exhibition Opening: 6:00pm, (Sun) 2 September, 2012
Seminar: 6:30pm - 8:00pm, (Sun) 2 September, 2012
Exhibition Period: (Mon) 2 September to (Sun)14 October, 2012
Exhibition Time:2:00 - 7:30pm, Thu to Mon, (Close on Tue, Wed and Public Holiday)
Exhibition Venue:C & G Artpartment, 3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Prince Edward, Kln, HK (Exit B2, Prince Edward MTR Station, Behind Pioneer Centre)


近 日全城熱話的德育及國民教育科究竟有何問題?問題關鍵在哪?C & G藝術單位邀請了十二位身兼藝術教育工作者的藝術家(包括有任教中學、小學、大專院校的藝術教師、獲行政長官卓越教學獎的藝術教師、藝術發展局藝術教育小 組委員會主席的藝術教師等),以藝術教育角度分析及回應這個科目本身及推行手法的問題。起碼我們有以下疑問:

德育及國民教育科中,有關 當代國情方面的爭議是比較多,但其內容被指只佔全科的3%,屬於很少百份比,所以官方認為不應針對這3%的少數目而否定國民教育科。以這邏輯推理,十萬政 府僱員中,高官人數只佔幾個百份比,他們不那麼重要麼?全港七百多萬市民的總生產值,大部份來自當中的幾個百份比,他們不那麼重要麼?能有掀一髮動全身的 力量就在於這3%,這還不重要?


反 對推行國民教育科而遊行有九萬人,但政務司司長林鄭月娥表示,社會普遍認同推行德育及國民教育科,如果不推行會令很多人失望。假如政府決定不推行國民教育 科,那支持推行國民教育科的失望的人,能否動員九萬人上街遊行以表示支持?如果可以,那國民教育科真的有立即推行的必要,若否,為何港府還要堅持?

行 政會議成員羅范椒芬認為,香港與內地在經濟有很大融合,青年要到內地發展,便要全面認識中國,因此不應終止國民教育科。她相信學生有獨立思考的能力,因此 不存在「洗腦」。但!斷不應把責任拋回給莘莘學子,這不是負責任的言論。假設普遍高中生有獨立思考的能力,但他們自小一至中三已被灌輸高度及過度理想化的 國民教育思想,當這些觀念一旦被植入,學生最後也是基於早被灌輸高度及過度理想化的國民教育思想去獨立思考,如果這不是羅范椒芬所言的「洗腦」,就是美其 名的「思想改造」。

其實政府官員對推行國民教育跟本沒有經驗,又沒有前科可跟,對民眾的期望不甚了解,惟有試試「霸王硬上弓」,可惜導 致強烈反抗,因此我們建議有關官員必須接受「再培訓」、「再教育」。是次展覽回應港府堅持於2012年9月於中小學推行的「國民教育」科,質疑國民教育科 的推行手法及內容,質疑政府官員本身對國民教育科的了解程度,然後為港府官員度身訂做一系列有助「再培訓」他們了解國民教育的教材。


More info of the exhibition:

The National Education curriculum has been worrying many Hong Kong people in the past few months. What went wrong? What is the crucial problem? In the current exhibition, C&G Artpartment is inviting 12 local artists who are also art educators as well (amongst are art educators teaching in primary, secondary or tertiary schools, art teacher who won "Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence,” chairman of the arts education group in Hong Kong Arts Development Council) , to respond to this subject and to analyze the learning, teaching and launching methods of the curriculum.

The portion of studying contemporary China only takes up about 3% of the whole subject of Moral and Natioanal Education. This is one of the reasons the government offiicials use to defend themselves: the subject of national education should not be turned down because of such a small percentage of the whole content. Following this logic, the high ranking governement officials who are the few percentages among the hundred thousands of employees withint the government must be not so important? The few percentages who owned the wealth of our society are not so important? If only a 3% can activate the whole machenism, does it actually have its significance?

It was said that the Moral and National Education subject was quite flexible that students could choose to listen or not. In a sense, the responsibility of curriculum planning is pushed to the students themselves, and it also shows that such a subject does not have any necessities to exist.

Ninty thousand Hong Kong people went on protest against the National education curriculum. However, the Chief Secretary of Administration, Ms. Carrie Lam, said the sociey in general agreed upon luanching the subject, and it would disappoint many people ,if the government would not do so. Would ninety thousand people who support National Education go on protest, if such subject really is not luanched? If so, it can certainly prove why the government should start this subject immediately. If not, why should Hong Kong government insists so badly?

Ms. Fanny Law, the executive council member, explains, since many Hong Kong youngsters may develop their careers in China nowadays, they should have well-rounded knowledge of China, and certainly need the subject of National Educaion. She believes that students have independent thinking skills and would not be "brain-washed." Her speech was quite irresponsible and, after all, all the responsibility is, again, put on the students. Assuming a genearl high school student who does have independent thinking skills, has actually been exposed to an over-idealized national state through "National Educaiton" in primary and junior-high school period, would this student be able to think independently without the picture of an over-idealized nation? If this is not called "brain-washing," it can certainly be named an "ideological reform."

The current government officials have no experience in planning National Education curriculum, and there is no previous examples for them to follow either. It is certain that they have little understadnings of the expectations of the genearl public. Their attempt to insist luanching such curriculum is facing a lot of resistance within the society. Undestanding their difficulites, we suggest the government officials should be "re-trained" or "re-educated." The current exhibition is responding to Hong Kong government’s insistent decision on launching the subject of "Natioanl Educaiton" in primary and secondary schoools in September, 2012. Doubting the content and launching methods of the National Education curriculum, and doubting that the government officials, themselves, can understand this subject very well, this exhibion will show a series of learning materials to "retrain" them to understanding national education.

The exhibition will have its opening on September 2, 2012, and run until October 14, 2012. It will be free for the public. For any enquiries, please contact 23909332.

近日全城熱話的德育及國民教育科究竟有何問題?問題關鍵在哪?C & G藝術單位邀請了十二位身兼藝術教育工作者的藝術家(包括有任教中學、小學、大專院校的藝術教師、獲行政長官卓越教學獎的藝術教師、藝術發展局藝術教育小 組委員會主席的藝術教師等),以藝術教育角度分析及回應這個科目本身及推行手法的問題。

In the current exhibition, C&G Artpartment is inviting 12 local artists who are also art educators as well (amongst are art educators teaching in primary, secondary or tertiary schools, art teacher who won “Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence,” chairman of the arts education group in Hong Kong Arts Development Council) , to respond to this subject and to analyze the learning, teaching and launching methods of the curriculum.

主辦及策劃:C & G藝術單位
展覽開幕: 6pm, 2/9/2012 (日)
討論會:2/9/2012(星期日),晚上6:30 - 8:00
展覽日期: 3/9/2012(一) - 14/10/2012(日)
展覽時間:2:00 - 7:30pm, 逢星期四至一
展覽地點:香港 九龍 太子西洋菜南街222號3/F 「C&G藝術單位」(港鐵太子站B2出口,始創中心後)


Curated and Presented by:C&G Artpartment
Artists:AU Wah Yan、CHAN Fat Chi、CHOI Tsz Kwan(Ger)、CHOW Shun Keung 、CHU Yiu Wai(Price)、KEUNG Chi Ming(Jimmy)、LAM Mau、 LAU Simon、MAN Ching Ying(Phoebe)、YEUNG Sau Churk(Ricky)、 CHEUNG Clara、CHENG Yee Man(Gum)

